—Spaces, figures and strategies at the service of the promotion and social approval of the sciences.— Situating Chemistry is an online collaborative project whose main objective is to locate the spaces where chemistry has been carried out throughout history. It...
—Accounts, myths and superstitions about the Enlightenment and its relationship with the sciences.— In 1783, a parish priest in Berlin, Johann Friedrich Zöllner, asked a question in a magazine: ‘Was ist Aufklärung?’ (What is Enlightenment?) The most...
The editorial team
The editorial team of Sabers en acció (@sabersaccio) is made up of research and teaching staff from the Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero (IILP) and the Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT), as well as many other scholars from other academic institutions and research centres dedicated to the history of science, technology and medicine.