Using the Senses in Science

Using the Senses in Science

—The role of sight, taste, smell, and touch in early modern chemistry.—   Understanding the role of the senses in the history of science poses unique challenges for the historian. Most sensory impressions are part of our daily experiences. Often,...
Contemporary science

Contemporary science

—The transformation of the regime of knowledge production, and history as a tool to reflect on the present and future of science.—   The history of science is a relatively young branch of historiography, but with a wide and varied tradition, as seen...
Frank Oppenheimer

Frank Oppenheimer

—From physics and political commitment to a new conception of what a science museum should be.—   The history of twentieth-century science is full of physicists turned into true cultural heroes. Their work and contributions, however, were made...
The cyclotron

The cyclotron

—A fundamental objective of twentieth-century physics was to make subatomic particles go round and round increasingly faster—   One of the fundamental tools for research in the field of atomic and nuclear physics is the cyclotron. A cyclotron is a...
Military facilities

Military facilities

—Research to win the war: armed conflict as a stimulus for the development of science and technology.—   Since the origins of humankind, war has been one of the main stimuli for the development of science and technology. There is evidence of...
Big Science

Big Science

—Definition, characteristics and examples of Big Science.—   Historical studies on science, medicine and technology show how scientific and technological activity has been transformed over time. For example, from the second half of the nineteenth...
Biopolitics and medical power

Biopolitics and medical power

—The development of the health industry and new technologies has had huge consequences in the fight against illness over the twentieth and twentieth first century.—   The impact of the health industry and associated health technologies has had an...
Hospitals and medical specialities

Hospitals and medical specialities

—The technological revolution in medicine in the twentieth century.—   From the end of the nineteenth century, a series of factors drove a growing process of specialisation within the health professions. The traditional general practitioner, capable...
Biographies: Ludwick Rajchman and Walter Cannon

Biographies: Ludwick Rajchman and Walter Cannon

—Two figures in international health and medical humanitarianism in the years of the Second World War.—   The generation of doctors who practised their profession during the interwar period (1914-1945) showed a special sensitivity to the social...
Spaces for health action

Spaces for health action

—Changes in healthcare organisation in Spain during the twentieth century and changes in the international arenal.—   In the first half of the twentieth century, health organisation in Spain was focused on the prevention of social dominant diseases,...