Neurasthenia: the disease of the century

Neurasthenia: the disease of the century

—Nerves, gender and modernity at the end of the 19th century.—   In 1869, the New York neurologist George Miller Beard (1839–1883) described a new disease before the American Medical Association: neurasthenia, or nervous exhaustion, which in it’s...
Europe looks to others

Europe looks to others

—As colonial interests propelled new military exploration and conquests, the Eurocentric view of the world had to confront cultures which until then it knew little or nothing about.—   To finish laying the foundations for a panoramic, critical and...
Knowledge of a globalised world

Knowledge of a globalised world

—The first globalisation began with the creation of the Iberian colonial empires: forced intercultural contact that led to hybrid knowledge about nature.—   The geographical space conveyed by classical Greco-Roman geography had its centre in the...