Biopolitics and medical power

Biopolitics and medical power

—The development of the health industry and new technologies has had huge consequences in the fight against illness over the twentieth and twentieth first century.—   The impact of the health industry and associated health technologies has had an...
Hospitals and medical specialities

Hospitals and medical specialities

—The technological revolution in medicine in the twentieth century.—   From the end of the nineteenth century, a series of factors drove a growing process of specialisation within the health professions. The traditional general practitioner, capable...
Biographies: Ludwick Rajchman and Walter Cannon

Biographies: Ludwick Rajchman and Walter Cannon

—Two figures in international health and medical humanitarianism in the years of the Second World War.—   The generation of doctors who practised their profession during the interwar period (1914-1945) showed a special sensitivity to the social...
Spaces for health action

Spaces for health action

—Changes in healthcare organisation in Spain during the twentieth century and changes in the international arenal.—   In the first half of the twentieth century, health organisation in Spain was focused on the prevention of social dominant diseases,...
The political economy of health

The political economy of health

—The psychological, social and political dimensions of illness.—   ‘Health is more than the absence of disease: the word health implies something positive, that is, physical, mental and moral well-being. That is the goal we must reach, even if it goes...